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Phases of Care

Phase 1: Relief Care

The main objective in this stage is to eliminate or reduce pain and discomfort.  During this phase of care, visits will be frequent. Repeated visits will be required to reduce or eliminate the symptoms.

Phase 2: Stabilization

Once you have completed the initial pain relief phase, the option of undergoing Rehabilitative Care will be available to you. The objective of the second phase of your treatment program is to correct any underlying spinal injury as well as strengthening the muscles, improve spinal function and provide more complete or optimum healing of tissues.


Visits occur at reducing frequency and care is supplemented by exercises and modification of your daily and work habits. Remember, many of the conditions for which people seek chiropractic care have developed over many years and therefore, it takes time to correct these conditions.

Phase 3: Wellness

The third and final option available to you is Maintenance or Wellness Care. It is designed to maintain your improved health and spinal function, and prevent the return of the original condition once spinal correction has been attained. Regular attention catches small problems before they become serious. Prevention saves time and money by helping you stay well.

In the United States, spinal disabilities are the number one cause of disability for people over 50.  Do you plan to use your spine after 50?  Keep your spine healthy and invest in your future.  Chiropractic visits, exercise and a sensible diet will help you enjoy the best of health well into the future.

Phase 1: Relief Care
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